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Sewanti Organic Tulsi Leaf 200g Powder
Sewanti Organic Tulsi Leaf 200g Powder

Sewanti Organic Tulsi Leaf 200g Powder


Holy Basil, or Tulsi, holds the most supreme place among the various medicinal herbs in India perhaps next to Lotus. . The ancient scriptures describe it as a protector of life accompanying human beings from birth up to death. There are innumerable references to Tulsi in Indian mythology. Its healing properties are so well established that most people in India grow it in courtyards and traditionally worshipped daily in a ritual for the well-being of the family.


The botanists have given Tulsi ( holy or sacred basil) the Latin name Ocimum sanctum. Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India has a long list of herbal preparations with Holy basil as an important ingredient. For countless generations, Ayurvedic medical knowledge with its many disciplines and medicinal plants has made an invaluable contribution to modern medical science in the understanding of pathology and in the treatment of diseases due to its long history of use and documented evidence of safety and efficacy.

Tulsi leaf is traditionally used in Ayurveda (as a demulcent) to help relieve cough (Kasa), as a cardiotonic (Hrdya), and to aid digestion (Dipani).

Ocimum sanctum powder

Take 1/4 to 1/2 tsp daily in a cup of hot water daily or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner.

Cautions and Warnings:

Consult a health care practitioner/health care provider/health care professional/doctor/ physician prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a cardiovascular condition, if you are taking any heart or blood pressure medication, if symptoms persist or worsen.

More Info:

The botanists have given Tulsi ( holy or sacred basil) the Latin name Ocimum sanctum. Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India has a long list of herbal preparations with Holy basil as an important ingredient. For countless generations, Ayurvedic medical knowledge with its many disciplines and medicinal plants has made an invaluable contribution to modern medical science in the understanding of pathology and in the treatment of diseases due to its long history of use and documented evidence of safety and efficacy.

Tulsi leaf is traditionally used in Ayurveda (as a demulcent) to help relieve cough (Kasa), as a cardiotonic (Hrdya), and to aid digestion (Dipani).


Ocimum sanctum powder

How to use:

Take 1/4 to 1/2 tsp daily in a cup of hot water daily or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner.

Risk Info: 

Cautions and Warnings:

Consult a health care practitioner/health care provider/health care professional/doctor/ physician prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a cardiovascular condition, if you are taking any heart or blood pressure medication, if symptoms persist or worsen.